This is a recording of the special presentation held last week in the VIP Backstage lounge. Susan Tully – works for the Federation for immigration reform. Ron – Minute Man worked on the AZ border for many years. He knows immigration, border, Sharia law, Islam, etc.
What they taught our group of patriots:
1. ABOUT THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT program in the United States – what it really is and how WEC/One World Order are laying out this program through Agenda 21 in every city in every state.
These refugees are from Islamic populations and other. MN is currently being invaded by the Refugee Resettlement program, which includes drug traffickers, child traffickers, and gun traffickers.
The refugee’s needs are taken care of by VOLOGS – evangelicals, Churches, etc. These VOLOGS receive GRANTS and are told that this is what God wants.
These refugees get free everything for 90 days at which then these VOLOGS find neighboring cities to take in more refugees to get more money for the purpose of destroying the US – destroy the economy, Christianity…collapse everything!
The Refugee Resettlement program is like the Boston Tea Party – if you’re taxed you need representation. Well the refugees don’t pay taxes! The VOLOGS don’t pay taxes either. Yet we the people are tax burdened!
2. WORLD RELIEF – is one of 9 organizations who are orchestrating all of this!
3. Remittance program – redistribution of wealth, hence the refugees and border migrants! Bring down the rich to the poor!
4. Race and equity – people have too much equity! Take away private property!
5. Private and Public partnerships – World Relief goes out and develops relationships with churches, autobon society, and others, gives them GRANTS, to take care of all the things these refugees need.
6. ONE WORLD NATION – there are 169 target goals. BUT the US still abides by the constitution until it doesn’t! The UN gives awards to mayors in the US for implementing the pieces of Agenda 21 into their cities, which how this is growing!
7. Local governments – are not aware this is even going on in cities because VOLOGS are 501c – zero authority. Grants get handed down to VOLOGS by WORLD RELIEF.
Again VOLOGS don’t pay taxes but make decisions for the people without representation.
8. SANTA MUERTA – in the US! A death cult!
The constitution and your voice!
This our country! Our city!
Our Declaration!
You’re not doing the above in our city!
Know who your County Commissioner is – because they are following AGENDA 21!
Call your states refugee coordinator and tell them we don’t want our city to take in these refugees!