Sherry joined the group Juanito1975 3D Animation Group
Guess what, carrots??? (Aj-what do you call your peeps!!!) guess what rabbit holers!!!! 🐇🕳 I just got off the phone
with DAVID OATES!!!! Cuz this happened and I told him all about coming on ripon rabbit hole and how much AJ admired his work and I admired his work!!! I called, he just answered!!! And I had to tell him THIS HAPPENED!!! HE’S L…Read More-
Lol!!!!!! I swear when I talked to him he said he was just reading my email!!! Sooooooooo do you want me to invite him for you or send you link!! I’ll send the link- he might answer that austraillian line!!! Scroll down to the phone numbers- I found the numbers after I emailed – you are the BEST INTERVIEWER EVER, AJ – you should be on coast to c…Read More
Nice! I found an interview with one of the creators of the RANDONAUTICA app – I’m telling y’all this sh*t IS REAL – and MUST BE USED POSITIVELY!!! Because I promise it works POSITIVELY TOO!!!! Create your reality beautifully!!! Everyday I say “DIVIINE LOVE GOES BEFORE ME wherever I go! Making joyous happy and glorious my way – the sacred circl…Read More
So the app RANONAUTICA- is real- I’ve used it, this is a compilation video of kids using the app- most irresponsibly imho, but the girl at 6 min 14 sec!! Now THAT is how you use it!!! So please go to 6:14 of this video – the whole story is probably less than a min – basicAlly you download this app, set an INTENTION of what you want to see and – i…Read More
I love this little guy 👽🛸?
I love this one – so interesting!
I’m gonna start posting some of my cool favorite videos for y’all just for fun – things that I think are worth checking out – LOVE TO ALL ♥️
Going to see Kriss Deville of LAROXX tonight and show him/give him the info to get to the jani lane heaven show from ripon rabbit hole 🐇🕳🎩🪄✨💫🎶🎵🎤🎸🎵🎶
Oh picture of the LANXING say it spelling it out—— EL—-A—N x ing – ALIEN CROSSING
Okay last song – I know it’s corny kinda from the early 80s but with the world like it is today, I think it has a great story HIS STORY – “CAN YOU FEEL IT????!!!” (Does any one remember the Mandela effect that was the song THRILLER and it changed where Vincent price says “to terrorize yalls neighborhood” but it used to just be YOUR neighborh…Read More
Here’s a song for yall that I recieved from michael after I woke up to a Twitter notification that said “MICHAEL JACKSON and GHOST ADVENTURES is now following you!” I wasn’t even following the ghost adventures TV SHOW!!!! This is from the story book of ET the movie, remember the tinker bell would ding and you turn the page????
https:…Read More -
Well note to michael, we try to share n we get shut down, can’t even post you Halloween special stuff!!! It’s not the rabbit it’s the spirits of the airwaves “can you feel it?”🎩✨🪄
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Ahhhh ha!! It was BANNED – just like everything else tooo much truth – we are the stars and the heroes of our own adventures – in the GAME of life that we probably scripted ourselves – I’m lucky this was a part of my (my daughters, and my grandson wyatts) adventure
Hi all!!! Since I had a minute I figured I’d post my UAP story – so in 2014 I was in my above ground pool out in the country – I was alone, it was dusk (o think I’ll draw YALL a pic too!!! Since we have that ability to post pics here!!!! Okay so to my left from just over the roof top of my hous came floating down a about 4 1/2 by 5 ft in dia…Read More
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Okay I’d go a phone call n I thought I lost ALL THIS!!!!! So the lady yells “L-A-N-X-I-N-G!” Then she says “el – A – N cross ing” then she yells “ALIEN CROSSING!!!” And…… I woke up thinking – yep!!! That’s what I got!!! An alien crossing of interdimensional lovely beings that cross walk right here through my house and property!!!! How lo…Read More
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