Tonight “SECRET K.G.B BOOK ALIEN RACES series” join Jerry and howl along!: Join us at 7pm Pacific – 10/9 Central
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Tonight “SECRET K.G.B BOOK ALIEN RACES series” join Jerry and howl along!: Join us at 7pm Pacific – 10/9 Central
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Hello Jerry,
This is Brad and Cheryl from North Idaho! Remember us, we visited your hotel and celebrated out 25th anniversary. Well, we listened to your most recent show, lots of fun for us and good to hear your voice buddy.
Some very intriguing UFO cases indeed. I hear up in our latitude we can see the stream of star link satellites. I’ll have to inquire to ascertain when and what part of the sky to observe. Thank you for blessing us and our stay in so many ways with your awesome hospitality Jerry! I will be writing a letter to corporate and or to your hotel, to mention what an awesome representative of your company you certainly are!
Will only mention basics.
Say hi when your time permits Jerry!
Your friends,
Brad and Cheryl
Dear Brad and Cheryl,
Hey guys! Thank you so much for the kind words! We appreciate you listening and taking the time to leave a comment. It was a joy having you guys here! I am so glad to have made your anniversary such a special event!
Idaho has quite a few very interesting case files also . I didnt know that starlink was visible in idaho. I would love it if you guys ever got some good video of that I would love to feature it! It would make a great way to show people a distiction between starlink and real Ufo sightings.
Thank you again for all of the kind words as well as becoming a regular listener ( we hope lol !) Happy Anniversary again and I am honored to have been able to personally make it special for you! Hope to see you guys again some time soon!
Jerry “DarkWolf” Hicks