As we told you the story of the local veterans mission to save it in Part 1, this story began on April 4th 2023.
Ten days later, On April 14th, at approximately 10:03 AM, Mr. Rob Wittchow was driving North on Blackburn Street in Ripon, Wisconsin, after taking his girlfriend’s daughter to an eye appointment in Fond du Lac. He was engaged in a conversation with one of his best friends and was talking about how he had replaced the national flag at the little white schoolhouse located on Blackburn Street.
While he was making the comment out loud, he noticed from driving by that there was no flag displayed at the Little White Schoolhouse..
Upon closer inspection, Mr. Wittchow observed City council member Mr. John Split bent over the hole where the flagpole once stood. The two men made eye contact, and Mr. Wittchow decided to drive around the block and pull into the entrance commonly used to access the little white schoolhouse. He still had his friend on speakerphone, knowing that his friend was as much involved and cared about the preservation and history of their community.
Upon arrival, Mr. Split greeted Mr. Wittchow and stated that he had just tried calling him. It was related to taking the flag at the schoolhouse down.
As Mr. Wittchow continued his conversation with Mr. Split on April 14th, he learned that Mr. Split had removed the flag from the little white schoolhouse located on Blackburn Street in Ripon, Wisconsin, and was calling for advice on how to handle it properly.
Mr. Wittchow expressed his pride that a member of the historical society and city council would acknowledge his input regarding the proper handling of the American flag. Mr. Split assured Mr. Wittchow that he had not let the flag touch the ground during the removal process.
Mr. Split also informed Mr. Wittchow that he was there taking measurements on the existing base in order to transfer the flagpole down to the new location on West Fond Du Lac street.
Mr. Wittchow also shared with Mr. Split his April 4th interaction regarding the flag display with Mandy Kimes, the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce.
After showing Mr. Split the video and images of the previous flag display, Mr. Split expressed shock and remorse.
Mr. Wittchow then continued to explain to Mr. Split that he had rectified the grommet issue and replaced them on the new flag that he had donated. Mr. Split expressed gratitude towards Mr. Wittchow for his dedication towards ensuring the proper display and handling of the American flag. He also reiterated that he would ensure that the flag would be displayed appropriately at the new location.
As of the time of publishing this article, even though footings have been poured, a foundation has been built, and the Little White Schoolhouse has been moved into place, there is NOT a flag displayed in front of it.
After their conversation that day, Mr. Wittchow expressed his contentment towards the outcome of the situation and felt that his actions had been acknowledged and appreciated by members of the historical society and city council. He was pleased to hear that the new location would have a proper display of the American flag and that his efforts towards preservation and respect for the national symbol were being recognized.
But then the conversation took a twist…
Mr. Wittchow and Mr. Split’s conversation also delved into the status of the Little White Schoolhouse. Mr. Wittchow inquired about when it was being moved and Mr. Split stated that it was tentatively scheduled for April 17th, pending weather conditions as heavy snow and blustery conditions were predicted. Mr. Wittchow also asked about the historical status and significance of the schoolhouse and whether it would lose its National Historical status if it were to be moved.
Despite what we know to be true today, Mr. Split reassured him that it would not lose its National Historical status, looking him in the face while saying so. Mr. Wittchow, however, informed Mr. Split that he had heard conversations and examples suggesting otherwise. Despite this, Mr. Split reassured Mr. Wittchow once again that it would not lose its National Historical status and that “Everything is fine, it’s all good Rob”. The conversation ended on a positive note…or so he thought.
Based on the events described in the report, it appears now that there are several discrepancies between what was said by Alderman John Split regarding the Little White Schoolhouse historical status and the conversations that Mr. Wittchow had heard regarding the possibility of losing the schoolhouse historical status once it was moved. While John Split assured Mr. Wittchow that the schoolhouse would not lose its National Historical status, it is now clear that this information was not accurate.
It is completely unacceptable for a situation like this to occur. The mishandling of the American flag and the subsequent relocation cover-up by community leaders is a betrayal to the values that our community veterans have fought for. This situation cannot and will not be silenced. The public has a right to know the truth and to hold their community leaders accountable for their actions. Regardless of what side of the flag you are on, we should all agree that honesty and transparency are crucial for our community leaders. We entrust them with important decisions that affect our community, and we have a right to know that they are making those decisions with integrity and respect for our communities best interests in mind. The public outcry over this situation shows that we will not stand for anything less than the highest standards of leadership and integrity.
We’ve upped our standards, now up yours.
*NOTE: City of Ripon Alderman John Splitt, refused our request for an interview.